1 Lunches

Spike Stephenson

Games We Play Founder

New York

About me

Some Entrepreneurs are born, some are made, I just have to! Running marketing and promotions teams for the past 15yrs, I understand how to lead a team, how to focus on objectives, not obstacles, and how to reach deadlines and goals. I am also a pro table tennis player and coach and have been playing the game for 25yrs. Being able to create this product based upon my passion for the sport and my love of technology allows me to be in tune with what the users want and I will do whatever it takes to bring them an amazing app. I have to-Show others what I see, Obsess, Obsess, Obsess, over design, Know what my users want before they do, Do wireframes until 2am, 3am, 4am, Know what is overlooked could mean everything, Focus on the objective, not the obstacles, Know starting is easy and finishing is hard, Focus on the objective, not the obstacles, Above all else trust my gut! Drive, passion, or obsession? I just have to.

Days available for lunch


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