
Leonardo Campus

Tv Author at 'Rai Storia'; PhD in History; Journalist

About me

I am an Italian journalist, TV author, PhD in History, and (formerly) musician. As a journalist, I started working in my teenage days and I'm a member of the Ordine dei Giornalisti. As a public historian, I work as TV author and web editor for "Rai Storia". In research field, I have been working for the last dozen years on several topics and have published 2 books: -"NON SOLO CANZONETTE. L'Italia della Ricostruzione e del Miracolo attraverso il Festival di Sanremo" (Le Monnier, 2015, pp.303. Foreword by Stefano Bollani) -"I SEI GIORNI CHE SCONVOLSERO IL MONDO. La crisi dei missili di Cuba e le sue percezioni internazionali" (Le Monnier, 2014, pp.540. Foreword by John Harper. "Premio Friuli Storia" 2015). As a musician, after getting a 5th year-Conservatory degree in Classical Piano, I've been working as a pianist in several pubs/small venues both in Italy and Australia. Thus, I am interested in professional opportunities in media, writing, history, music, cultural events

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