About me
Chris Kelley is a software developer with experience in server-side (CouchDB, Java: Tomcat/Struts/Hibernate) and client-side (Javascript: backbone.js; Eclipse RCP; AJAX: JQuery/DWR/Script.aculo.us) development. He works on projects that involve software development, remote networking, and systems administration. The past year he has focused on mobile applications: a tablet-based project using CouchDB and a J2ME-based project using JavaRosa. While at RTI, he was actively involved in the development of health information systems at the point of care. Mr. Kelley is the primary software developer of ZEPRS, a perinatal and HIV/AIDS patient record system for the Lusaka Health District in Zambia which manages over 200,000 patients, and has developed similar projects in Kenya and South Africa, all using open source software. Technical information and demonstrations of his work are available at github.com/chrisekelley and www.ictedge.org.
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