
Jaimon Jose

Distinguished Engineer, Office of the CTO at NetIQ

About me

Jaimon Jose is a Distinguished Engineer and Member of CTO team for NetIQ. As a CISSP and his passion for Identity and Security, he focuses on security aspects of emerging technologies including cloud and BYOD. He believes that a lot of innovation and solutions evolve in the mobile computing domain and that will be a trigger for accelerated cloud adoption. As a product technical lead he is responsible for the architecture of Novell Identity Manager and related products. He has been with Novell for over 15 years working on identity and security technologies including the Novell flagship Directory Services, eDirectory. He has extensive experiences in building scalable and secure enterprise identity systems. He represents Novell in standard organizations like IETF, OpenGroup and DMTF. Jaimon is a regular speaker at various conferences in India and abroad including Interop, Silicon India, BrainShare and other industry-academia collaborations

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