Matthew S.

Matthew S. LaCrosse

Visionary Entrepreneur LEAN startup

San Diego

About me

Hello! Primarily I have been a consultant for various startups over the past 7 years. I love helping startups, I have a constant flow of good ideas and solutions to problems so it would be a shame to keep them all to myself. I offer my services and help for free because It's important for me to learn and grow as an entrepreneur while also helping others. I am currently working on a startup targeting the fashion and fashion design industry. I am looking for professionals with expertise within the fashion and fashion design industry, as well as front and back end developers, UX design specialists and internet marketing professionals. My goal is to increase the success rate for aspiring fashion designers while also offering a platform for brands and retailers to utilize to keep ahead of the curve on trends. If you need help and ideas or are interested in being an advisor, partner or just helping out please get in touch!

Days available for lunch


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