
Michael F. Forni

Michael F. Forni (Professional)

San Giovanni In Persiceto

About me

My several working experiences (Linked-in) show that I'm positive, proactive, strongly results-oriented, ready to learn, capable to teach, active and determinate. I'm ready and skilled to face challenging situations and projects, even in non conventional ways. Since 1999 I'm active in Marketing & Communication Areas. Lately I added WOM (Word Of Mouth), Geo-Loc Marketing (foursquare) and - being already an RFId expert - also inovative Payment methods like NFC and the ones-to-come, surfin' the "NoCash Wave". My main goal is to get both personal and professional satisfaction from every task, job or duty. Italian native, English is my second mother tongue, while I'm fluent in Spanish, can communicate in German & French; în Româna I'm an absolute beginner. Since I believe that a nice meal is a smart way to share thoughts and verify collaboration/business opportinities ... let's lunch! :-)

Days available for lunch


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