About me
Professional with over 15 years of experience in the area of purchasing, production and general services, in love with the online marketing and social media. I'm looking for new projects in which participating and contribute:-) With great interest in acquiring skills in communication, I have learned how to use tools such as NLP, coaching or creativity. I'm active, curious, persevering, sociable and enthusiastic! The challenges attract me, so let's say pretty nonconformist. A favourite thinking:Trip needed! Gran experiencia en el ámbito de la Negociación y la Organización y Producción, y actualmente enfocada en Calidad y aprendiendo sobre Marketing, Social Media y Ventas. Fascinada con la PNL, el coaching o la creatividad. Soy activa, curiosa, perseverante, sociable y entusiasta!! Los retos me atraen, vamos a decir que bastante inconformista y siempre pensando en organizar un viaje!
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