
Chris Shaw

Brand Alchemist at SCVNGR and licensed attorney.


About me

Everything I do can be summarized by people, policy, and technology. People - Throughout my career, I've involved myself in jobs that require lots of interaction. Whether teaching, debating, lawyering, or consulting--I'm usually talking and listening to people. Policy - I research, talk and write about the interactions of people and institutions. I am fascinated by institutional structures, management behaviors, and the impacts of institutions on our lives. Technology - I love gadgets. I'm an early adopter in every way--hardware or software. I'm always looking for a new toy to engage me. It may be for business or leisure, but if it's new and cool, I'm likely to try it. Random fact about me. I began working at 13, my first job was delivering the Kansas City Star newspaper. I also held positions as a shift leader at a frozen custard store, a sales associate for RadioShack, and as a server and bartender while in college.

Days available for lunch


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