LetsLunch Lands in Italy
For every US based plea to launch in a new city we received requests to expand to Italy, London, Hong Kong, and everywhere in between. How were we supposed to launch globally on a lean budget? How were we supposed to learn about these international markets when we barely had the resources to cover several US cities? This is when some of those international.

What will be our first stop on this world tour? The wine-rich shores of Italy, where business lunch meetings aren’t just standard, they’re part of the culture. Italy is the land of two hour lunches where relationships get started and business deals are made. We couldn’t have asked for a better petri dish to test our service on the international scene. We couldn’t have asked because you asked us. Of all the suggestions we received for places to grow, Italy was the resounding winner. Countless visitors and fans have been begging for a launch in Italy and some evangelists have even partnered with us to make this dream a reality. They’ve also helped us get covered by Italy’s tech media The buzz has been remarkable.
Check out http://www.LetsLunch.com/Italy.
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