
Just Added Cool Feature: See Other Nearby Users on the Map

Thank you again for everyone for signing-up. As you know, we had 100 invites on TechCrunch, and get got filled instantly. So we bumped it up to 200, and still it filled up within minutes.

We have been busy working on the site and today I wanted to let you know about a cool improvement to the map: now you can see if there are other people nearby. We won’t tell you their names of their reputation just yet, but at least you know you are not alone!

Take a look at this view of Silicon Valley. It’s so great to have so many users already. Thanks again!

Remember, we’ll start scheduling lunches this Friday (Feb 4th). Make sure your reputation profile with all your accounts (Twitter, LinkedIn, Hacker News, Stack Overflow) is up to date so you get the best lunch possible!