
Introducing LetsLunch 3.0

Introducing LetsLunch 3.0

Check out Letslunch 3.0! We just had a big launch party in the UK sponsored by Adams Private Membership Club. We have several great VIPs on board in the UK and we’re moving full steam ahead.
Also, check out our latest write-up in Techcrunch.http://techcrunch.com/2012/09/21/letslunch-uk/. Letslunch is now live in the UK, France, Netherlands and Italy and  preparing for  aggressive expansion across Europe. Check out our new features below:

Sponsored Lunchers

“Looking for a designer, web developer, accountant, or other professionals?” Well, now service professionals can pay to ‘sponsor’ themselves on Letslunch to help them generate great contacts for their business. Letslunchers can now easily find such people and go to lunch with someone who’s services or advice they need.


We’ve built new widgets that make it easier for job seekers, recruiters and groups to network with great people. Now you can add your Letslunch profile to your blog or webpage so when great people find you, they can immediately reach out and connect in real life!

Lunch Invites

We have two great new features to help you plan more lunches. The first, ‘Invite a New Contact’ helps you make use of that stack of business cards from people you’ve met, but haven’t connected with again. Simply  type in the contact’s email address and Letslunch will send an invite with your lunch availability.

Has it been awhile since you’ve connected with some of your Linkedin or Facebook contacts? Try the new ‘Reconnect with an Existing Contact’ feature and send your lunch availability to someone with  you haven’t connected in a while. It’s a simple quick way to reconnect. What are you waiting for?

The LetsLunch Team